Friday, October 5, 2012

Black Americana, it makes me kind of uncomfortable

So, Black Americana is a collectible market that, kind of makes me uncomfortable.
First I want to acknowledge that the collecting of black memorabilia, or "black Americana" is a legitimate collectible market. I don't believe that the people who collect it are racists or bigots. Like anything that has encapsulated an era of American history, it becomes collectible. The environment is perfect for a market. Unique subject matter, low numbers and visually striking. It hits all the requirements. Add to it the history and legacy of slavery and racism in America and these items become dynamic cultural artifacts.
But... They still make me uncomfortable. Not to the extent that I think people should stop collecting them, or that they should be destroyed, but they do make me feel uncomfortable.
Perhaps that is their value to some people. African Americans were not allowed to eat, sleep or learn in the same places as white people, and we're reduced to servants and/or entertainment.
I also believe that some of these items were used in black homes. Again, it says alot about the era when African American families would have such characatures of black people on their kitchen tables.
So while Alanna and I have had an opportunity to purchase some items like these salt shakers while we live here, I've been hesitant.
They are a legitimate collectible, with a wide range of value to buyers, but... They still kind of make me uncomfortable.
How do you feel about black Americana collecting?

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