Saturday, September 1, 2012

The overwhelming awesomeness of my first mancave

In the city there's a premium on space. Especially when you rent and I've always been a renter. I've also only lived in two of the highest rent cities in the country, Boston and LA.

Here in Kansas all they have is space. Space is to southwestern Kansas as pavement is to the city, there is way too much of it.

When Alanna and I moved into the house we had five bedrooms. Yes, five bedrooms. Five. Think about that. Oh, and no roommates.

In Boston a five bedroom is good for six roommates atleast, assuming there is only one couple and there is never only one couple.

In our last apartment we had one room. Not one bedroom, one room with a big bookcase that separated a "living room" and a "bedroom." I think it might have been 600-700 square feet.

So when we moved in we set to divide up our abundance of rooms. Alanna got two, we used one for storage and a photo studio and I got... drumroll please, a mancave.

First in my life. A whole room for Pat. Patroom. Pats Playhouse. Me, mine, mee mee.

Then I realized that with greater house space comes greater responsibility.

I am embarrassed to say that the room is still not complete ( although after talking with friends, most mancaves are never finished).

But one shelf is right as rain. Cooler than the other side of the pillow and jive like a jimmy jam.

See if you can pick out all of the wonderful treasures on my shelf.

There is one very cool toy I'm going to post about later. Can you guess which one it is?

What is an essential part of your mancave?

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